Hello?! Hello?! Anyone there...

We started the new year with pneumonia.  Well, Malachi did.  Bryant followed.  A week plus of antibiotics and then our illnesses exploded. Our goal was to get everyone well since several had a cough/fever virus at the start of the year and then get the flu vaccine.  So far, no go.  

I started with a cough a week or so ago that developed into a fever and congestion for two days.  Ceili Rain was next.  Then Mark.  Zoe and Ace followed.  Then Malachi, Josiah, and Liam and lastly Bryant. Yeah, we're still trying to figure out how Bryant, the 3 year old who eats gummies off the floor of the chiropractor's office was last and least with this bug.

Best we can figure, it was adenovirus.  A yucky respiratory virus that can manifest through gastrointestinal (stomach bug), pink eye and then the plain ol' fever/cough/congestion.  We had the latter (thankfully), but all nine of us had it.  When Ceili Rain popped up with another fever after two days without it was time to hit the pediatrician to see what was going on.  Pneumonia.  We think Zoe had pneumonia as well so they are both enjoying a round of antibiotics.

Two pediatrician trips, four antibiotics and several weeks of illness were not how I pictured out new year to start.  Hopefully, we are getting it all out of the way now and can enjoy the rest of the year relatively well.

But, I think I'm ready to get back to blogging and update our November and December adventures for 2013. 

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